Free Video Training Series
To receive free short (2-4 min) training videos, enter your name and e-mail in the box below. Videos are on the following topics:
- Gaining clarity on what matters most to you
- Making difficult changes and transitions
- Silencing your inner critic
- Developing a peaceful and powerful mindset
- Reducing power stress and avoiding the “more, better, faster” hamster wheel
- Improving your leadership capacity while preserving life balance
- Increasing both productivity and positivity in your team and organization
- Being more effective at making some part of the world a better place
- and much more.
These tips are a distillation of my own 30 years of experience, as well as insights from the world’s best thought leaders on these topics. If you prefer not to receive these, you can unsubscribe at any time.
Enter your name and email and click submit to receive your free offer:
To complement these video training clips, you will also receive a free downloadable copy of the following guide:
21 Quick Tips To Get Present, Unleash Creativity, and Increase Your Effectiveness
The 21 quick tips in this guide are all techniques that help us be our best. They stem from the premise that one of the most powerful ways we can influence our results is through the mindset we bring to what we do. The reason for this is it is our mindset at any given moment that serves to determine what we see, what we don’t see, how we interpret what we see, and therefore, how we respond to what we see.
The more present and creative our mindset, the more apt we are to see new possibilities and ultimately increase our effectiveness. This is true for us individually as well as in our teams and organizations.