I’d like to offer you these free items, that are designed to help you accomplish the following:

  • Help you hear what you’re not hearing;
  • Get you to move forward on what really counts;
  • Help you make personal and/or organizational changes that just aren’t happening;
  • Assist you to align your organizational structure, incentives, and processes;
  • Support you to improve your key relationships so you function at your highest level;
  • Build accountability so you stay on track;
  • Leverage your strengths and your team’s strengths so you increase your impact.

Free Offerings

Video Vignettes:
Mary’s Flourishing Flash (90 second TIPs – What you can do to Flourish)

What Successful Leaders Do
How Coaching Builds Success
The Coaching Process
Eleven Critical Changes for Beating the Insanely Busy Trap

Tele-seminars: (Zip Files)
Three Ways to Develop Your Inner Leadership (and Why Leaders of Sustainable Brands Should Care)

Tele-seminars: (Zip Files)
Evaluating your Past Year and Making the Next Year Your Best Year Yet
Tele-seminars: (Zip Files)
Creating a Sustainable Work Culture


Free Offerings