Click on each service below to learn how it can support you to make the changes you would like to make:
Services for You
If you would like to make some big changes in what you are doing or how you are doing it, click below to learn about how Executive Coaching and a Leadership Assessment can support you.
As we work together, I will always be keeping one ear on what it is you most want, and keeping that as our north star as we delve into specific issues. I’ll provide you with tools and frameworks to help you gain clarity, find your own answers, and move forward. I’ll then hold you accountable for doing what you said you would do between sessions so that, in the end, you have far greater impact and fulfillment.
Click here to learn about how the coaching process works.
Click here to learn how Executive Coaching differs from therapy, mentoring, and consulting.
The Leadership Circle Profile (TLCP) is the only 360 degree feedback instrument that measures your two primary leadership domains– Creative Competencies and Reactive Tendencies- and integrates this information so that your key opportunities for development immediately rise to the surface. Creative Competencies are well-researched competencies that measure how you achieve results, bring out the best in others, lead with vision, enhance your own development, act with integrity and courage, and improve organizational systems. Reactive Tendencies are leadership styles that emphasize caution over creating results, self-protection over productive engagement, and aggression over building alignment. These self-limiting styles overemphasize the focus on gaining the approval of others, protecting yourself, and getting results through high control tactics.
Most importantly, the Leadership Circle 360 degree feedback instrument is unique in that it reveals your internal operating system: i.e. the internal assumptions (beliefs) that run your behavior in both domains. This allows you to see how your world of thought is translating into your unique style of leadership, and whatever productive or unproductive behaviors that comprise it. Ultimately TLCP increases your inner awareness that affects your outward behavior so that you can lead in ways that maximize your results. If you would like more information about this assessment, take a look at the website for The Leadership Circle.
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If you want to discuss how this leadership assessment could benefit you, click the green button below.
Services for Your Team
If you would like to boost both the productivity and positivity of your team, click below to learn about how Team Coaching and the Leadership Culture Survey can support you.
Team coaching enables a group to address these human challenges far more effectively than the group is likely to do on its own, so that it not only meets its goals, but exceeds them. Whether you are looking to align your leadership group, and/or boost the synergy in individual teams, team coaching offers you the opportunity to boost your collective effectiveness.
When coaching teams, I typically work with the leadership of the team(s) to design an approach which will elicit strong buy-in of all team members, and then facilitate a number of different processes to enable the team to make the changes it desires. Often, teams benefit from beginning our work together by taking The Leadership Circle’s Collective Leadership Assessment to get a powerful read on the team’s leadership culture. Click here for more information about this world class assessment. The team coaching which then follows is highly participative, and assumes that all the voices in a system are important. My objectives when working with teams and organizations is to strengthen the effectiveness of the entire system, and all members of that system, so that the team can realize its desired results.
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If you would like to get a powerful understanding of your team or organization’s own leadership culture, consider using The Leadership Circle’s Collective Leadership Assessment. Used for your entire organization or just one of your leadership teams, the Collective Leadership Assessment will tell you and your teammates how you view the culture of leadership that you all are co-creating, and compare that reality to the optimal culture you all want. The gaps between your current culture and your collectively desired culture, as well as between your current culture and the leadership culture of other organizations, will quickly give you a compelling rationale for change. In addition, it shows you exactly where you will want to focus your collective leadership development efforts.
This Collective Leadership Assessment is quick, very affordable, web based, and user friendly. Results are downloadable. The Collective Leadership Assessment also works seamlessly with the individual Leadership Circle 360 Profile so that if your organization chose to do both, the two instruments would provide complementary feedback. For more information, take a look at the website for The Leadership Circle.
Your Next Step
If you want to discuss how assessing your leadership culture might benefit your team, click the green button below.
Services for Your Organization
If you are looking to transform your organizational performance, there are many options available to you. Click on each button below to learn more about what each option might offer your organization.
Developing Your People
Why Invest in Leadership Development? The way I think of it, if you want to ride your bike to a destination 50 miles away, you are going to need to do several things. First, you are going to need to figure out the route you are going to take to get there. For organizations, this road map is your strategy. But strategy, alone, won’t get you there. If you’re biking, you need to be in good shape physically and have a bike that is in good shape too. If you and your bike aren’t in good shape, the best plan in the world won’t get you there. The same is true in organizations. You need your people to be operating at their best and be equipped to do their jobs well. And leadership development plays a critical role in this.
Once we have identified your leadership needs, we can custom design leadership programming for different levels of your organization. Typically the top levels of your organization benefit from a focus on their capacity to inspire, connect, motivate, and lead others effectively. All of these capacities, in turn, depend on leaders having highly developed awareness of their own emotions, an ability to manage them well, an awareness of others, and the ability to build effective relationships that facilitate the work that needs to be done. For a more complete understanding of how I view effective leadership, as well as the conditions that I believe promote the development of it, click here.
Your Next Step
If you want to discuss how leadership development might benefit your own situation, click the green button below.
Organization-Wide Transformation
If you are looking to transform your organizational performance, a good place to begin is for us to discuss your vision for your organization as well as how you see it today. Assuming your organization is large enough to have an executive team, we would want to get their input as well. From these dialogues, we would then establish a quick sense of where you are, and then together design the most effective means to transform your organizational performance.
The options we might want to consider from there to get a further understanding of your organization’s current reality are many. For example, we might wish to employ different methodologies for getting a more complete assessment of your leadership culture, your employees’ engagement, your organization’s finances, marketing, operations, and so forth. To do so, I would recommend a team of my colleagues, each of whom have a particular functional expertise.
From there, I would recommend consideration of processes that engage representatives from across your organization in constructive, forward-looking dialogues. Designing these dialogues in ways that minimize people’s fears, maximize constructive creativity, and move the organization solidly in desired directions is critical. There are a number of approaches that do this well including World Café, Open Space, Dialogue Processes, and Appreciative Inquiry, each of which can be combined with team coaching and other organizational supports to meet individual organizational needs. To read more about one of the most powerful approaches, Appreciative Inquiry, click on the next tab and read below.
Your Next Step
For more information about how Appreciative Inquiry might benefit your organization, click on the green button below.
Services for Your World
Your organization is part of a larger web which includes your shareholders, customers, employees, suppliers, and other partners. In order to serve all of your stakeholders well, click below to learn more about an approach and process for successfully engaging all of them so that your entire system flourishes.
Your Next Step
For more information about how Appreciative Inquiry might benefit your organization and its stakeholders, click on the green button below.