Are you a person wanting to make a difference in the world? If so, I invite you to download the following FREE STUFF. These articles and presentations are based on my twenty-five year plus professional career in the private sector (Cummins Engine, GE Capital), academe (Yale), non-profits (the CT Center for School Change), small companies (Celtic Energy) and working with solo entrepreneurs (Andrew Winston, Sustainability author).
In addition, please sign up for our monthly eZine in which will feature a host of materials based on the work that my colleagues and I have undertaken the past fifteen months at the Case Western, Weatherhead School of Business, Fowler Center for Sustainable Value. In that work our focus has been on the nexus of Sustainability and Spirituality. Spirituality is defined most broadly as: “Flourishing” on the personal, organizational and planetary levels. See: Business as an Agent of World Benefit
Free Articles
“I Confess: Nine Mistakes Sustainability Leaders Admit They Have Made”
(The results of interviews with sustainability thought leaders)
“Why Minimizing the Environmental Footprint is Not Enough”
(Why sustainability efforts need a larger “flourishing” perspective)
“Twenty-One Tips for Subduing “Crazy Busy”
(Action steps to take control of an insane schedule)
Free Tele-Seminars
Sustainable Leadership Tele-seminars
Please enter your name and e-mail in order to download this three-part tele-seminar series designed to give you hands on leadership tools for creating more sustainable work practices, work cultures, and life changes.
Creating a Sustainable Work Culture
Are you trying to create socially and environmentally sustainable products or services but find that people in your workplace aren’t working in ways that are either personally or organizationally sustainable? Office politics, short-term goals, non-collaborative work styles, win/lose mindsets, and fear can be the norm in all sorts of workplaces, regardless of the product or service provided. So what can be done to create a sustainable, high performance work culture at your office where these problems are not the norm? What we covered:
- Assess how sustainable your own workplace culture is;
- Deepen your understanding of what it takes to address unproductive mindsets and work styles that drag everyone down and erode your enterprise;
- Learn about a powerful way your office can build a more sustainable, high performing work culture that is essential for delivering sustainable products and services.
Evaluating Your Past Year and Making the Next Year Your Best Year Yet
Are you tired of year-end analyses where you look at your achievements against your goals….and yawn? And are you tired of making New Year’s resolutions that never stick past about January 3rd? If so, you are invited to join me for a unique tele-seminar designed to give you a chance to make sense of last year and set intentions for your next year in a whole new way than you have done before. In it, you will be invited to explore for yourself such things as:
- What really matters to you
- Big risks you’ve taken this year
- Significant learning and growth you have experienced
- What it will take to create more joy and “flow” in your life
- What is holding you back from having what you most want
- Overcoming your own roadblocks
Through a guided set of questions, you will have a chance to contemplate and write down your own insights into these and other topics in the privacy of your own office or home. By the end of our tele-seminar, you will have created a framework that will help you make new sense of what the past year really meant for you, as well as what’s possible for you in your next year. In the process, we’ll change your usual year-end “yawn” to a year-end “a-ha”.
In order to get the most value from this call, you will need to be writing your own answers to questions I will be asking. It therefore will require your full attention, and not lend itself to casual participation.
Escaping the “Insanely Busy” Trap
As a leader who is passionate about environmental and/or social sustainability, are you finding yourself “insanely busy” most of the time? And with the holidays, are your personal commitments making you even more insanely busy? If so, please join me for this FREE tele-seminar designed to help you become more productive AND sustainable. In it, you will have a chance to:
- Understand what’s really making you insanely busy;
- Assess what works and what doesn’t work for you about your current approach;
- Learn where your own biggest opportunities for improvement are;
- Gain new tools and techniques to do what really counts;
- Design next steps that will increase your effectiveness, satisfaction, and energy both short-term and long-term.