
What Cancer Taught Me About Courage

In early January 2014 my life took a little detour. Back then I was diagnosed with a large cancerous tumor in my small intestine. This led to major surgery, recovery from that, 6 months of chemotherapy, some recovery from that, several months of radiation, and more recovery time. 


Sourcing Your Heroes’ Energy

When you face a really big challenge, it can be very useful to source the energy of your favorite heroes who have successfully faced similar challenges. Not sure how? Take a look at this ~2 min video for some ideas.  See what this technique might offer you.


Know What Matters

Here’s a short (~ 2 min) video with a surprisingly easy and effective technique to help you evaluate what really matters to you and assess what you are doing in relation to it.


Assumptions that Decrease Your Stress

Most of us feel like there is never enough time to do what we need to do, and that’s just the way it is. Watch this short video vignette to discover how a few easy changes in your assumptions about time can help you feel far less anxious and while becoming far more effective.


3 Strategies for the “Crazy Busy”

When we have more and more demands on our time at work and life outside of work, most of us respond in predictable ways that only work so well. In this short video vignette, you will learn three new strategies to boost both your productivity and fulfillment.  


How to Change Your Perspective

It is easy to go through life absorbed in our own viewpoint on things. We often think “what I see, is”. In so doing, we can forget that ours is only one perspective that might just contain only a portion of “the truth”. Organizations falter when people get so locked into their own personal perspectives, that a more nuanced or complete “truth” never surfaces. Watch this short video vignette to understand how this trap works, and how you can avoid falling into it.


Think Flourishing

I hope you enjoyed watching these videos. I’d like to welcome you to new ways of thinking about leading and working that support you, your team, and your organization to flourish. What does this mean?  It means you and all the people your work brings you in contact with have the capacity to be in sync with each other and have strong positive synergy. It means that the way you are working allows for far greater productivity which enables all of you to do well financially. And it means that all the living systems that your organization touches can flourish too because of the relationship you have with them. Continue Reading …  (more…)